Foto – Adam Falk
Idag blir det en till härlig intervju med min underbara vän och kollega Jessika Bungum. Hon har vart med oss i team Yogiakademin sen start och kommer även följa med till Costa Rica för att bjuda på härliga yogaklasser och otrolig intuitiv massage. En session med henne är ren MAGI. Jessika Bungum – vad är yoga för dig?
Source. I draw my inspiration to sharing yoga from life and the evolution of human consciousness. My relationships to love, my friends, teachers, students and society, meditation and the body. I am in awe of the many paths and processes of transformation that humans choose.
Share. I share yoga because I can. As a vocation it was as if yoga teaching called me, I didn’t directly choose it.The fascinating part of teaching is the leela (play), the dynamics between the actors; the student, the energy in the room, moving together and learning to to sense that which is moving when the body is still.
Breathe. Every class is like a mini-universe. We meet to playfully cultivate a practice of listening on the mat with simple tools; breath and asana, and then step back witness as it spreads into the outer reality we co-create.
My approach to teaching the past year is focused on the power of the breath. I see in the breath as our connection point between mindbody and spirit. A wise man once told me: Never stop breathing, don’t hold your breath. Because with every breath you take the universe pulsates. If you stop breathing, how will the universe find you?
Body. Regarding asana, I am passionate about practicing safely with appropriate alignment with respect for the lines of energy in the body and room. Exploring how we can find the support we need within us while staying effortlessly connected with everything at once… sounds like a lot, but when the flow takes your it is all there, in one moment everything IS. It is my intention to facilitate the co-creation of such a space for you.
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