In collab with my friends at #soc and Stadium, I am having a challenge today where five of you will win the beautiful bag on the picture. The only thing you need to do is to openly and honestly share your inner thoughts about an interesting subject.
What I like with Stadium is that they are promoting a healthy body, neither super skinny nor over-worked. Also, they are talking about movement for the joy of it, not to create a ”perfect” looking body. So our question to you is…
What is your relationship to your body?
Are you moving through life in a harmonious togetherness with your body, or is the body something you are constantly judging or ignoring?
Maybe you got stuck in the outside look of your body – focusing all of your attention in creating the perfect shape and form. In the back of your head there might always be thoughts like… ”Will this make me fat?”, ”Beach 2018 is soon here, I should start going to the gym or stop eating now.”
And if you are striving towards this outer perfection, you might also, instead of listening to the body and asking what food it needs to be healthy in the moment, design strict rules for yourself – where you either is not giving it any food at all or you are propping it up with only raw-vegan-LCHF-glutenfree-lactosefree-sugarfree stuff. And when you got enough of that super strict diet you might mindlessly do the opposite – filling it up with an overflow of candy and wine. Is it weird that most of our bellies are screaming NO?
Moreover, if you are striving towards this outer perfection, you might as well, instead of listening to the body and asking what type of movement (or rest) it longs for in the moment, design strict exercising rules for yourself – where you either are forcing it to run 10 kilometres a day, going to the gym or pushing yourself through that 2 hours Ashtanga practice. And when you get sick or injured from that over-exercising routine, you might do the opposite – stop everything completely ending up in front of the TV. Is it weird that most of our bodies have aches, injuries and eventually get burned out?
I believe, all of us can recognized moments in our lives when the above is true. When we are either ignoring our bodies completely or are stuck in the outside look of it instead of receiving its wisdom and listening to how it is constantly speaking to us.
What would happen if the body became our own best friend? The friend we are listening to no matter what. The friend who guides us through life.
Would love to hear your thoughts and feelings about this… so what is your relationship to your body? Please share in a comment below or on my instagram @josefinesyoga