Namaste! Dax för en till härlig intervju (för att det inte bara ska vara min tankar om yoga som kommer fram här). Idag är det den otroliga yogaläraren och grundaren av magiska yogastudion Urban Om (ett ställe i Stockholm som har en vacker plats i mitt hjärta, studion jag undervisat och yogat på sen start) tankar som får höras… Neo Moreton – vad är yoga för dig?
”I grew up in London, built my first dotcom business in Hong Kong aged 26, became a full time yogi in Byron Bay aged 28 and moved to Stockholm from New York in 2011. Realizing now more than ever people living in cities are suffering from urban overload- being constantly bombarded by stimuli, toxins and demands on our attention, this can fuel stress and even lead to a feeling of isolation and disconnection. To thrive and not just survive in the city, it is vital to take some time out every now and again to recharge and reconnect on the inside. So, in 2012 I created Urban OM to give people a taste of themselves.
Yoga at urban om is urban, it’s contemporary, it reaches out to you who wants to be in the world and deeply connected in yourself. It has thrown out the old dogmas and concepts around yoga and asks you what do you need today? What would help you be you? Urban om asks you to wake up and let go, to step out of the comfort zone and free yourself.
We value realness and truth. Not to promote egos or get stuck in surface. You want to do yoga as yoga was meant to be, to fall inwards, to feel your body and to reconnect with your soul. You are tired of trying to be someone, to look a certain way or to strive for perfection and have reached the point where imperfection is just perfect.”
Läs gärna den förra härliga intervjun med fina Estelle Nordenfalk från Yogayama här.